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Read the stories that TV news networks forget to report!
The 9/11 investigation cover up. The Bush admistration has tried to prevent a thorough investigation of the events of 9/11.
TvNewsLies.org Tracks the Hearings
- The Silence About September 11th
- Bush Opposes 9/11 Query
- Bush to Daschle: Limit Probe
- Daschle: Bush Blocking Investigation
- Bush/Cheney try to Block Investigation
- Bush Nominates Himself to Chair 9/11 Investigation
- Still trying to interfere with the investigation
- Underfunding the Investigation
- Senator: At Least One Foreign Country Assisted the 9/11 Terrorists
- The Hearings Begin - TvNewsLies.org tracks the hearings.
- White House Still Trying to Keep 9/11 Reports Secret
- Analysis Of White House Obstruction Of 911 Investigations
- Graham charges Bush cover-up on terror facts
- 9/11 Cover Up by the Bush's Administration
- Editorial: Crypto-government - Why keep Americans guessing about 9/11?
Bush answers on 9/11 overdue - Patently, President Bush is not going to assume responsibility for the World Trade Center catastrophe. His political allies blame former President Bill Clinton (as they are blaming him three years later for the current recession).
- 9/11 panel told of cover-ups before attacks - Witnesses: U.S. suppressed warnings
Bush trying to hide 9/11 information, Graham says - Citing proposed changes in several sections of the report -- which was based on the congressional investigation he helped oversee as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee -- the Florida senator said on CNN's Late Edition that the administration was trying to hide information submitted in open session and, in some cases, reported in the media.
Bush's 9/11 coverup? - Family members of victims of the terror attacks say the White House has smothered every attempt to get to the bottom of the outrageous intelligence failures that took place on its watch.
Wrestling for the Truth of 9/11 - Too polite to use the word "stonewalling," the bipartisan commission nevertheless warned the nation that thus far the administration had "underestimated the scale of the commission's work and the full breadth of support required."
Burying the Truth of 9/11 - The Bush administration, long allergic to the idea of investigating the government’s failure to prevent the Sept. 11 terror attacks, is now doing its best to bury the national commission that was created to review Washington’s conduct.
9/11 Families: Tell Us Full Story - Asked if she believes the Bush Administration is withholding information, Casazza replied, "They are blacking out info in the report. That is withholding information."
Bush under pressure to reveal 'Saudi role' in 11 September - The Bush administration is under pressure to allow publication of a secret part of a congressional report on the September 2001 terrorist attacks, which is said to point to large-scale financial backing for the hijackers from Saudi Arabia.
Commissioner: Bush Deliberately Delayed Inquiry Report Until After Iraq War - "The administration sold the connection (between Iraq and al-Qaida) to scare the pants off the American people and justify the war," said Cleland. "There's no connection, and that's been confirmed by some of bin Laden's terrorist followers ... What you've seen here is the manipulation of intelligence for political ends."
Bush Should Cry Uncle and Release Saudi Info - "We will direct every resource at our command to win the war against terrorists, every means of diplomacy, every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement, every financial influence. We will starve the terrorists of funding." President George W. Bush, September 24, 2001
White House Rejects Saudi Request on 9/11 Report - The White House rejected a request by the Saudi government on Tuesday to declassify sections of a Sept. 11, 2001, report dealing with Saudi Arabia, saying it could compromise intelligence sources and methods. - TVNL comment: Bush/PNAC are not protecting the Saudis, they are protecting themselves!
Saudi Foreign Minister fights allegations - Sen. Bob Graham called on the committee to ignore Mr. Bush's objections and push for declassification of the part of the report that has fuelled allegations against Saudi Arabia.
U.S. Clamps Secrecy on Warnings Before 9/11 - The recent report of the joint congressional committee that probed intelligence failures before the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon reveals what the Bush administration doesn't want Americans to know about the American government. - You would not know this from media accounts about this report
Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush - So afraid is the Bush administration of what could be revealed by inquiries into its failures to protect Americans from terrorist attack, it is unabashedly using Kremlin tactics to muzzle members of Congress and thwart the current federal commission investigating the failures of Sept. 11. But there is at least one force that the administration cannot scare off or shut up. They call themselves "Just Four Moms from New Jersey," or simply "the girls."
White House Not to Declassify More of 9/11 Report - he White House has said it will not declassify further parts of a congressional report on intelligence failures related to the Sept. 11 attacks, including details of possible foreign involvement in the plot.
White House is said to ignore 9/11 panel - Members of both parties are accusing the White House of stonewalling the federal commission investigating the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, by blocking its demands for documents despite threats of a subpoena.Senator Chuck Hagel, Republican of Nebraska, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" yesterday that it would be in the Bush administration's interest to release documents that the commission has requested. - "Americans and our allies across the globe must have confidence in our leadership," said Hagel, a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who frequently has criticized the way President Bush has handled the campaign against terrorists. "They must trust our processes. And that certainly includes our intelligence community's results."
Sounds Of Silence - Surely the White House realizes that the perception of a cover-up is more politically damaging than turning over a few intelligence reports. - Any lack of cooperation from the White House is troubling, but one key point of contention is especially disturbing: whether the commission will have access to daily intelligence briefings given to the president in the weeks before September 11, 2001. Particularly in light of revelations that at least one of these reports indicated that al Qaeda was planning to hijack U.S. airliners, these briefings are clearly relevant. Studying them might help the commission recommend ways of prioritizing future briefings more effectively. - But the White House is blocking the commission from seeing the briefings.
Stonewalling the Sept. 11 probe - President Bush had strong words when he signed legislation creating a federal commission to investigate the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York. - "We must uncover every detail and learn every lesson of September the 11th," he said last year, speaking as family members of victims looked on. The commission, he said, "should carefully examine all the evidence and follow all the facts, wherever they lead." - Now, uncomfortably enough for the president, the fact-finding trail has led to the White House. The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States is asking intelligence agencies to produce top-secret memos known as the President's Daily Brief. So far, the White House has refused.
The 9/11 Cover-up - The questions are obvious. Was this dramatic July warning shared with Bush and his top advisers? If so, what did they do? And what did the August 6 PDB presented to Bush actually say? How did Bush react to it?
911 Victim Ellen Mariani Open Letter To The POTUS - You Mr. Bush should be held responsible and liable for any and all acts that were committed to aid in any "cover up" of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. As President you have a duty to protect the American people. On September 11th you did not instruct your staff to issue a nationwide emergency warning/alert to advise us of the attack on America. We had to receive the news of the attacks via the news networks.
Bush's Short-Sighted 9/11 Cover-Up - Rather than embrace efforts to find out what went wrong on 9/11/01 to prevent another devastating terror attack, right wingers in the White House adopted Watergate cover-up tactics, stone-walling, lying, and of course attacking Americans who want to know the truth.
White House Holding Notes Taken by 9/11 Commission - Panel May Subpoena Its Summaries of Bush Briefings - The White House, already embroiled in a public fight over the deadline for an independent commission's investigation of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, is refusing to give the panel notes on presidential briefing papers taken by some of its own members, officials said this week.
The White House: A New Fight Over Secret 9/11 Docs - Commission sources tell NEWSWEEK that panel members are fed up with what one calls "maddening" restrictions by White House lawyers on their access to key documents. Unless the panel gets to see the docs, the report "will not withstand the laugh test," a commission official says. The panel is threatening to force a showdown soon—by voting to subpoena the White House.
Sorry, Right Number - Testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday, George Tenet was asked why the C.I.A. never picked up the trail of Marwan al-Shehhi, the pilot who crashed Flight 175 into the south tower on 9/11. - The White House seems more worried about the public's finding out how much it knew and how little it did before 9/11 than it does about identifying and fixing security weaknesses.
White House vs. 9/11 Panel: Resistance, Resolution - Ever since first opposing the commission's formation, the Bush administration has clashed with the 10-member bipartisan panel over a range of access issues, including aviation records and presidential intelligence briefings. - Even now, the panel is fighting with the White House over ground rules for private interviews with Bush and Vice President Cheney, who want to limit their meetings to one hour with the panel's chairman and vice chairman. Former president Bill Clinton and former vice president Al Gore have agreed to unlimited meetings with the full commission. - TVNL Comment: Common sense says they have something to hide.
DOJ Asked FBI Translator To Change Pre 9-11 Intercepts - FBI translator, Sibel Edmonds, was offered a substantial raise and a full time job in order to not go public that she had been asked by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to retranslate and adjust the translations of [terrorist] subject intercepts that had been received before September 11, 2001 by the FBI and CIA.
9/11 Panel: Bush White House Withheld Papers - Commission Is Demanding Terrorism-Related Documents From Clinton Era - The commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks announced yesterday that it has identified 69 documents from the Clinton era that the Bush White House withheld from investigators and which include references to al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and other issues relevant to the panel's work.
FAA Managers Destroyed 9/11 Tapes - Recordings Contained Accounts of Communications With Hijacked Planes - Six air traffic controllers provided accounts of their communications with hijacked planes on Sept. 11, 2001, on a tape recording that was later destroyed by Federal Aviation Administration managers, according to a government investigative report issued today. - According to the report, a second manager at the New York center promised a union official representing the controllers that he would "get rid of" the tape after controllers used it to provide written statements to federal officials about the events of the day.
Who let bin Ladens leave U.S.? - The Bush administration has refused to answer repeated requests from the Sept. 11 commission about who authorized flights of Saudi Arabian citizens, including members of Osama bin Laden’s family, from the United States immediately after the attacks of 2001.
Ashcroft may face prison over 9/11 cover-up, says Daniel Ellsberg - Two whistleblowers stood side by side before a courthouse in Washington, D.C. on Monday. Veteran of the Pentagon Papers scandal, Daniel Ellsberg was backing a protest by former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, against a court gag order which has silenced her revelations about the September 11th, 2001 attacks. - In an exclusive interview with BreakForNews.com he said that Ashcroft's legal actions against Edmonds were: "clearly intended to keep her from bringing out in public information that could lead.... to criminal indictments and possible convictions of major political figures." - Ellsberg says that if Edmonds' allegations are confirmed, the current Attorney General could be judged obstructive and share the fate of A.G. John Mitchell --who in Ellsberg v. Mitchell famously tried to squelch Ellsberg's 1971 revelations, and served prison time over the affair.
Judge Tosses Suit by Fired FBI Translator - A federal judge threw out a lawsuit Tuesday by a whistle-blower who alleged security lapses in the FBI's translator program, ruling that her claims might expose government secrets that could damage national security. - ``This shows how the separation of power has basically disappeared,'' Edmonds said in a telephone interview. ``The judge ruled on this case without actually this ever being a case.''
Sen. Graham: Bush covered up Saudi involvement in 9/11 - The former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee tells Salon that the White House has suppressed convincing evidence that the Saudi royal family supported at least two of the hijackers. - As the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman during the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks and the run-up to the Iraq war, Sen. Bob Graham tried to expose what he came to believe were national security coverups and manipulations by the Bush administration. But he discovered that it was hard to reveal a coverup playing by the rules. Much of the evidence the Florida Democrat needed to buttress his arguments was being locked away under the veil of politically motivated classification.