A WAKEUP CALL TO MILITARY AND VETERAN VOTERS - An Idea to Change the Pattern of Broken Promises - Bottom line: Right now, the Republicans take you for granted, and there is nothing in it for the Democrats. A pox on both their proverbial houses. By blindly supporting either party, the military and the veterans have erased the value of their votes. It’s a given, and both parties know it. But it’s over. - The solution: break tradition...
- Breaks his Promise to Veterans
Let them eat cake, that’s what they get for voting for Bush! But is is the “anti-American peace protesters” who do not support the troops, right?
Proposed shutdown of VA hospitals sparks torrent of protests - Over 20 years, the government wants to cut costs at outdated or underused medical centers and offer improved and more comprehensive care, notably in the South and West, where growing numbers of the nation's 6.9 million veterans live. - The proposed $4.6 billion restructuring would shutter hospitals in Canandaigua; Pittsburgh; Lexington, Ky.; Brecksville, Ohio; Gulfport, Miss.; Livermore, Calif.; and Waco, Texas. It would also downsize another dozen health centers around the country. - It would open 48 clinics — one locally — add new hospitals in Las Vegas and Orlando, Fla., and centers for the blind in Biloxi, Miss., and Long Beach, Calif. It would place spinal cord injury hubs in Denver; Minneapolis; Little Rock, Ark.; and either Syracuse or Albany, N.Y.