Soldier's journey to heal spotlights 'soul wounds' of war


Soul wounds of war"It was just another day in Mosul," the soldier began, his voice shaking. Sgt. 1st Class Marshall Powell took a deep breath. He couldn't look at the other three servicemen seated around him in the therapy session.

He'd rarely spoken about his secret, the story of the little girl who wound up in his hospital during the war in Iraq, where he served as an Army nurse. Her chest had been blown apart, and her brown eyes implored him for help. Whenever he'd thought of her since, "I killed the girl" echoed in his head.

Powell kept his eyes glued to the pages he'd written and tried to steady his nerves. He cleared his throat.

He recalled the chaos after a bombing that August day in 2007, the vehicles roaring up with Iraqi civilians covered in blood, the hospital hallways overflowing with wounded and dead. The air had smelled of burned flesh. Around midnight, Powell took charge of the area housing those with little chance of survival. There, amid the mangled bodies, he saw her.

TVNL Comment: This is a MUST READ.  This is what happens in corporate wars that benefit the warmongers.  Think about the policies being laid out by some of the insane and clueless nominees for President.  Think...

