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Bruce Enberg's Commentary

The Conspiracy Widens

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Initial unemployment claims dropped by 30,000 last week to a four and a half year low. That's a lot of out of work people participating in the Muslim-Kenyan-socialist-anti colonial-fascist-liberal plot to destroy America by not filing for benefits in order to rig the unemployment number.


Layoffs are of course the result of employer action (quitting your job doesn't count), the employers that are, according to Romney, either lacking confidence (despite record profits and $5 trillion cash on hand) or going broke. Willard claimed in a stump speech that 1.4 million small businesses have filed bankruptcy, the real number is around 43,000. Willard was just having a Bain fantasy moment, even he hasn't destroyed that many businesses.


Leveraged Buyout Specialists like Mittens have destroyed 250,000 factories since Reagan de-criminalized the practice. This number doesn't include small businesses with under 50 employees that serviced the larger factories that the Pirate Capital operations like Bain have looted. Maybe Willard knows his career number really is 1.4 million, it's a little mental trophy he keeps. Just like any serial killer who keeps lockets of hair.


Last Updated on Thursday, 11 October 2012 11:54

Numbers are just a Theory

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The Numbers Deniers claim that the unemployment rate dropping below 8% is a vast government conspiracy orchestrated by the Muslim-Keyan-socialist-liberal-anti colonial-fascist in the White House. Their proof, the report was created using Arab 'numerals', we all know that real Americans would use Chinese made 'numerals' bought at Walmart.


To understand what is really going on requires some background, the initial jobs reports that come out each month are based on surveys, and are revised later as more data comes in. The job creation number is based on an employer sampling survey, and this number can be way off

from reality if the growth or decline is concentrated in a particular area.


Last Updated on Saturday, 06 October 2012 11:31

Counting with Count

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Big Bird was an Angry Bird today. He had his friend Count crunch the numbers and they don't add up. He counted 27, 27 big lies in Mr Romney's debate performance in just 36 minutes. Big Bird isn't happy that the bad man bullied his friend the nice Mr Lehrer either.


It makes Big Bird sad that 72 million people with pre-existing health conditions will lose their insurance if the bad man gets to be President. (72 million was a big number for Count to count) The bad man says that won't happen because he said so, but the bad man's own spokesman said right after the debate, it isn't possible for the bad man to do that, it would be up to states to do that. States that never did that before.


Last Updated on Friday, 05 October 2012 12:00

Obama and your Grandma

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More of that big government interference with your doctor and hospital is now taking effect. Medicare will start levying fine on hospitals that have excessive re-admissions within 30 days for certain complications from treatment (or lack of, or shoddy care). It will be based on statistical analysis of patient records, and to begin with it will only apply to heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia.


This will be expanded to other ailments that hospitals are notorious for cutting corners on. The numbers will be available online so that you can see what sort of death trap your local care facility really is.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 October 2012 16:29

Mister Magoo goes to Washington

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Even Chris Wallace of Fox News has taken to challenging Paul Ryan for specifics on Romney's policies. Ryan had a lot of specifics in his budget that the Republican House passed two years in a row. Romney has disavowed everything in the budget he had previously called "marvelous". Ryan claims to have details but it would "take too long to explain", so you'll just have to take his word for it.


The constant refrain from the right is that there is a clear choice between Obama and Romney, something that Ryan says in every other sentence. A complete lack of detail is not how you characterize the word "clear", it would be more like "fuzzy", "indistinct" and "misleading".


Last Updated on Monday, 01 October 2012 11:04

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